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School Garden

The School Garden is an instrument that approaches different curricular contents, in a significant and contextualized way and promotes experiences that recover values. Values so well translated in the book "Boniteza de um Sonho" (Beautyness of a Dream) by Professor Moacir Gadotti*: "A small garden, a vegetable garden, a piece of land, is a microcosm of the whole natural world. In it, we find ways, resources, processes of life. From it we can reconceptualize our school curriculum. By building and cultivating it we can learn many things. The children see him as the source of so many mysteries! He teaches us the values of emotionality with the Earth: life, death, survival, values of patience, perseverance, creativity, adaptation, transformation, renewal. "

Soil handling, such as stirring, planting, pruning, pruning and watering, is not only great physical exercise but also represents a healthy and creative way of learning, such as contact with things in nature. This activity aims to awaken the child's interest in caring for the environment.



*Gadotti has a degree in Pedagogy and Philosophy, a master's degree in Philosophy of Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), a doctorate in Educational Sciences from the University of Geneva (Switzerland) and a free lecturer from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp).



Sensitize and make children aware that life depends on the environment and the environment depends on each citizen, In addition to:


- Encourage children to build their own knowledge in the interdisciplinary context;
- To awaken children's interest in gardening and knowledge of the germination process;
- Give children the opportunity to learn how to grow plants used as food;
- Give a sense of responsibility for the productive green area for which everyone is involved;
- To realize the importance of enjoying a healthy and nutritious food;
- Tasting of food sown, cultivated and harvested;
- Contextualize the contents to the problems of urban life;
- Build the notion that the balance of the environment is fundamental to life on our planet.

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