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Psychomotricity is to relate through action, as a means of awareness that unites the body, mind, spirit, nature, and society.
Psychomotricity is associated with affectivity and personality because the individual uses his body to demonstrate what he feels.
Psychomotricity has as main objective to encourage the practice of movement in all the stages of the life of a child. Through activities, children, as well as having fun, create, interpret and relate to the world in which they live. Therefore, more and more educators recommend that games and games occupy a prominent place in Early Childhood Education.
In Infant Education, the child seeks experiences in his own body, forming concepts and organizing the corporal scheme. The Psychomotricity approach allows an understanding of how the child becomes aware of his body and the possibilities of expressing himself through that body, locating in time and space. Human movement is a built-in function of a goal. From an intention as intimate expressiveness, the movement becomes a significant behavior. It is necessary that every child goes through all the stages for the development of language.
The work of psychomotor education with the children must provide the basic formation indispensable in their motor, affective and psychological development, giving an opportunity for games and recreational activities to become aware of their body. For the child to develop the mental control of its motor expression, it must carry out activities considering its levels of biological maturation. Directed recreation provides children's learning in various sports activities that help in the preservation of physical, mental, and socio-affective balance.

Psychomotricity, like stimulation
of the child's movements, aims to

- To motivate the sensory capacity through the sensations and relations between the body and the outside.
- To cultivate the perceptive capacity through the knowledge of the movements and the corporal response.
- Organize the capacity of the movements represented or expressed through signs, symbols, and the use of real and imaginary objects.
- To enable children to discover and express their abilities through creative action and expression of emotion.
- Extending and valuing one's own identity and self-esteem within the group plurality.
- Create security and express yourself in many ways as a valuable, unique and exclusive being.

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